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Summer of NHibernate Screencast Series

Welcome to the homepage for the Summer of NHibernate screencast video series.

The purpose of this site is to provide one-stop easy access to direct downloads of the screencasts. If you have feedback, comments, questions, etc. please visit my blog and post them there.

NHibernate links

This content is not in any way endorsed or supported by the NHibernate project team.

The opinions and viewpoints expressed in these screencasts are not necessarily those of Microdesk or its employees. These screencasts are produced by Stephen A. Bohlen who is solely responsible for their content.

To view these screencasts, you will first need to download and install the Techsmith Camtasia Codec on your computer.

Note: to facilitate your viewing of these screencasts, we recommend that you save them to your local computer (right-click and select "Save Target As...") instead of viewing them directly from this site over the internet.

Downloads Title
Video | CodeSession 01: Setup and Basic Usage Pattern
Video | Code Session 02: Exploring Query Methods and Syntaxes
Video | Code Session 02a: Exploring Query Methods and Syntaxes (con't)
Video | Code Session 03: Exploring INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE Semantics
Video | Code Session 04: Exploring Transactions and Concurrency
Video | Code Session 05: Modeling Foreign-Key Relationships in NHibernate
Video | Code Session 06: Advanced Querying of Child Collections
Video | Code Session 07: Exploring m:n Relationships, Views, and Components
Video | Code Session 08: Effective Techniques for Database-Driven Modeling
Video | Code Session 09: Effective Model-Driven Schemas
Video | Code Session 10: Stored Procedures, Interceptors and NHibernate Query Analyzer --oh my!
Video | Code Session 11: Techniques for Modeling Inheritance in the Database
Video | Code Session 12: Detached Objects, Detached Criteria, and Working Without a Session
Video | CodeSession 13: Managing Session Lifecycle in a Stateless Web Application
Video | Code Session 14: Migrating to NHibernate 2.0 and Further Exploration

Also available: Autumn of Agile

If you enjoyed this screencast series, take note of my other series covering a broader spectrum of technologies and process. For details, take a look at this blog post on the Autumn of Agile Screencasts.